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June 26, 2019

VA to decrease SGLI rates effective July 1

Good news for service members' wallets! Effective July 1, 2019, the SGLI premium rate is decreasing. If you have coverage now, nothing will change except the price will be lower. Premiums are dropping $4 per month for those with maximum coverage. SGLI is available in $50,000 increments, up to a maximum of $400,000.Learn how to get SGLI

June 21, 2019

Navigating the retirement application process

Retiring from the Air Force Reserve is a significant, emotional event, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Because Airmen only retire once in their lifetime, they have no past experience to serve as a resource, and typically learn what is required as they go through the process. There are basic foundational requirements that must be met

June 17, 2019

Step-by-Step Guide for how to Transfer GI Bill Benefits

You must meet all eligibility requirements outlined in DoDI 1341.13, Change 1, Post-9/11 GI Bill and AFI 36-2649, Voluntary Education Program, Attachment 13, prior to applying for the Transfer of Education Benefits (TEB). NOTE: Airmen must have at least six years in service (active duty and/or Selected Reserve) and effective 12 July 2019, no more

June 17, 2019

HQ ARPC hosts 2019 Joint IRR Conference

The Joint IRR Conference included representatives from the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy, educating one another on their service-specific IRR programs. While each service program has the same Office of the Secretary of Defense policies driving them, the consensus was that the conference was of great value for each service to attend by being able to discuss ongoing problems experienced by each branch.

June 3, 2019

What is the Reserve Student Loan Repayment Program?

Applicable to: Air Force ReserveThe Student Loan Repayment Program is an Air Force Reserve program that makes one annual payment, per qualifying loan account number, directly to the lending institution toward the balance of an individual’s student loans. It is a program designed to attract and retain individuals in critical wartime specialties for

Oct. 17, 2017

RIO Connect app revolutionizes access to information

The latest release of the RIO Connect Individual Mobilization Augmentee Mobile Wingman application now enables Reserve Citizen Airmen to access common access card-secured sites from their mobile devices when paired with a mobile CAC reader and associated software.