The 940th Air Refueling Wing's Public Affairs office serves as the communication outlet for the wing. We have an obligation to inform and educate the base and public of our wing's mission and any newsworthy stories, events and pertinent information. We also have a myriad of unique and interesting stories to share about our unit(s), mission, people, aircraft and events. If you are a media or news outlet and would like to be added to our news release email distribution, please let us know at


We are glad to consider accommodating any media requests and news coverage via base visits with as much notice as possible.


A credential letter (affiliating you to a publishing/broadcasting media or news source), intent/coverage you seek, photo scan(s) of passports (and visas) if applicable, or driver's license number, date of birth (DOB), and full name for U.S. citizens are required for all requesting visitor(s). Consider also submitting examples of past work (include any work with U.S. military is possible). If you plan to drive a vehicle on base, car registration of that vehicle is also required. Due to the lengthy time it takes to process, plan and route international and national visits/escorts for approval, 4-6 months notice of the time frame/date desired is preferred. The processing and planning timeline is dependent on the length of your desired visit and the caliber of your request. The more extensive your request (i.e. # of people involved, flight request(s), # of interviews, etc.), the longer it typically takes to process.


News/media affiliation, intent/coverage you seek, driver's license, DOB, full name(s), and car registration (if you plan to bring your vehicle on base) are required for base access. As much notice of your request for escort/visit is preferred, but given we are more familiar with our local news outlets, we can accommodate visits in as little as 24 hours to a few hours notice depending on the extent of your request and whether we've worked with you in the past.


Please do not hesitate to inquire if you have any questions about our wing or are interested in wing coverage. We understand news outlets have sensitive deadlines, therefore, we aim to respond quickly and effectively to help meet your deadline. Our goal is to respond to you no later than 24 hours after first inquiring. Depending on the nature of your questions/inquiry and availability of the expert person(s) appropriate to answer, some responses take longer than others. Please submit your questions and any interest in engagement with our wing to or call (530) 634-1818.


If you are interested in involving the 940th Air Refueling Wing in your film, TV, magazine or other entertainment media project, please work directly with the Air Force Entertainment Liaison Office(s) in New York or Los Angeles. Their contact information can be found at their official website here:

FOIA REQUESTS (Freedom of Information Act):

The 940th Communications Squadron/SCBA is responsible for processing requests for 940 ARW records under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Written requests may be received by postal service, facsimile or electronically at AF eFOIA Public Access Link (PAL), Requests received by facsimile or electronically must have a mailing address included since it may not be practical to provide a substantive response electronically. For more information of FOIA and how to submit a FOIA request for the 940th or Beale AFB, please see Beale's FOIA page.


(530) 634-0948 - 

19395 Edison Ave. Bldg 11606 Rm. 121, Beale AFB, CA


  • Group photo request
  • Event/ceremony photo or video support
  • Community involvement
  • Self-help camera or visual equipment requests
  • Wing-wide email sending capability (for official use only)

Please contact 940 ARW Public Affairs to fill out our Multi-media Request Form and submit requests for photography/video support no later than one week in advance.


 Requests needing to be taken during drill weekends, please contact 940 ARW/PA at (530) 634-0948 to make an appointment at least one month in advance. Photo studio is open during drill weekends based on availability and enough advanced notification.

For official photo studio requests during normal duty hours [M-F 0730-1630], please contact 9 RW/PA at (530) 634-2165 to make an appointment. Appointment time/date based on availability.



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The 940th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office manages the official 940 ARW website and official 940 ARW Facebook, Twitter and Flickr social media pages.

Air Force Social Media Guide

USAF Social Media Sites


940th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office manages the Wing Newsletter/Announcements, which are sent out prior to each UTA.

If you have information about wing training, events, volunteer opportunities, openings/closures or other useful info relevant to wing members within the next couple months, that you would light advertised or announced to the wing at each UTA, let us know! Please include who, what, when, where, POC and any other pertinent details. Email information to  



Official tours hosted by the 940th Air Refueling Wing require the following:

  • At least six weeks' notice for approval/coordination
  • Minimum of 20 participants (not including escorts)
  • Participants must be 12 years of age or older

If your group is interested in a tour, please send an email to the wing's Public Affairs office at with the following information:

  • Name of group
  • Number of attendees
  • Your contact information, including cell phone and email address

Please note:  As an Air Force Reserve unit, much of our activity takes place on the drill weekend.  Please consider the first non-holiday weekend of the month for your tour.


The 940th Air Refueling Wing provides guest speakers to schools, churches and various community organizations.  These speakers share information on their deployments, the wing mission, and the U.S. Air Force Reserve.  To schedule a speaker, requesters may email the wing's Public Affairs office at


The 940th Air Refueling Wing has participated in the Marysville and Lincoln Veterans Day parades, Live Oaks Memorial Day ceremony, Kings and River Cats military appreciation nights, and the Yuba-Sutter Veterans Day parade as well as other community events.  To request volunteers for your event, you may email the wing's Public Affairs office at


The 940th Air Refueling Wing honorary commander program provides a unique opportunity for participants to meet our wing leadership, get an intimate glimpse into our missions here at Beale AFB, and engage in base events such as our annual awards banquet, civic leader tours and other squadron events. If you are a civic leader or an integral member of the local Beale community and are interested in getting involved in our Honorary Commander Program, please reach out to 940th Public Affairs at - we are always considering new participants.