“Fall in!” echoed across the parking lot in the early morning hours of the May, 2016 Unit Training Assembly with the 940 Security Forces Squadron at Beale Air Force Base.
Master Sgt. Shawn Painter, 940 Security Forces Squadron, stood at attention as nearly 60 SFS reservists quickly moved into position to assemble before him. Once in position, Painter presented the unit for inspection to Chief Master Sgt. Bill Williams, 940 Security Forces Manager.
Guard Mount is an official formation used across the Air Force by members of Security Forces units. Rich with tradition and handed down by the United States Army Military Police, Security Forces use Guard Mount as an opportunity to address the members prior to assuming their official duty post of the day.
On active duty, Guard Mount is often a daily event. The 940 Air Refueling Wing conducts Guard Mount once per quarter during a UTA.
“Guard Mount is a structured formation used to ensure personnel are fit for duty," explained Painter. "Dress and appearance inspections are conducted and the dissemination of duties for the day that will be completed. In addition, the time is used to pass on the weekend training plan, mandatory briefings, and any individual medical appointments.”
On this particular day, Williams took the opportunity to personally inspect and greet each member present for duty. An opportunity not often found during the normal busy UTA period. After the inspection, Williams passed on a few encouraging words and released the formation back to Painter to carry out the business of the day.
For Airman First Class Juan Pena Rodriguez, a fire team member, this was the first Guard Mount conducted with the 940th. In fact, this was Airman Rodriguez’ first UTA as a reservist, having just graduated from the Security Forces Academy at Lackland AFB, Texas. “It’s a good idea,” claimed Amn Rodriguez, “It’s nice to know we will be held to the high standards they told us about at tech school.”