News | Aug. 5, 2014

Be water smart

By Staff Sgt. Robert M. Trujillo 9th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs

The 9th Civil Engineering Squadron is asking Team Beale to be water smart due to the ongoing California drought.

According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map, more than 58 percent of the state is in an "exceptional drought" stage.

"It's been a rough couple of years, in terms of rain," said Bob McBride, 9th CES energy and water manager. "Beale has an active role in our local community, and we need to do our part to conserve."

Beale is currently using the Olivehurst Public Utility District Drought Response Plan to help conserve water.

Below are the water conservation measures:

1) Water is to be used for beneficial and useful purposes only. All unnecessary and wasteful uses of water are prohibited.

2) Washing down sidewalks, driveways, parking lots or other paved surfaces is prohibited except to alleviate immediate fire or sanitation hazards.

3) Free-flowing hoses are prohibited for all uses, including vehicle and equipment washing, ponds, and evaporative coolers. Automatic shut-off devices shall be installed on any hose or large-volume filling apparatus in use.

4) Leaking consumer pipes or faulty sprinklers shall be repaired within five days or less if warranted by the severity of the problem.

5) All pools, spas, and ornamental fountains/ponds shall be equipped with recirculation pumps and shall be constructed to be leak-proof. Pool draining and refilling shall be allowed only for health, maintenance or structural considerations.

6) Landscape irrigation shall be limited to a maximum of three days per week when necessary based on the odd-even schedule.

7) Customers with street addresses that end with odd numbers may irrigate only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Customers with street addresses that end with even numbers may irrigate only Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. No irrigation is permitted on Mondays.

8) Automatic sprinkler systems timers shall be set to operate only during off-peak hours between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

9) Restaurants shall serve water only upon request.

If you have any questions regarding the water conservation measures or to report out of compliance issues, please contact the 9th CES customer service line at 530-634-2604/2605.