News | June 2, 2021

AFRC launches Digital Age Resiliency tool on AF Connect

By Jessica Dupree, Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs

ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Reserve Citizen Airmen are now able to access Developing Resilient Leader, or DRL, content on demand on any device from one easy-to-access location on the Air Force Connect app.

The DRL Digital Age Learning Content Wall of the Air Force Reserve Command’s AF Connect page was designed to be an easy-to-access and user-friendly hub for DRL-related information, documents and links. The content will provide resiliency material for AFRC’s 74,000 Airmen, with new content added on a scheduled basis for commanders to use and present as needed.

DRL was the main focus of AFRC’s Executive Steering Group this past March and is one of Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee’s main priorities.

“When I was asked to come on board and help the Digital Age Learning team bring their DRL vision to AF Connect, I knew I was the person for the job,” said Jamal Sutter, 413th Flight Test Group public affairs specialist. “The AF Connect platform is a great tool to present information to our Airmen. I just wanted to make sure I could take full advantage of AF Connect’s capabilities and create a DRL space that was visually pleasing, easy to navigate and, of course, useful.”

The DRL Digital Age Learning Content wall has content broken down into four categories: Digital Force Protection, Unclassified Intelligence, Lead Yourself First and Leadership Development. This will provide Airmen with the resources to develop all facets of leadership and resiliency both professionally and personally.

This new content delivery system is the result of AFRC’s Digital Age Learning team led by Brig. Gen. Tanya R. Kubinec, Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, with a cross functional team from the Manpower, Personnel and Services directorate (A1) and about 50 experts from across the command to help her carry out the strategy for growing resilient Reserve leaders at all levels.

“We’ve centered our strategy around two main goals – Educate and Engage,” Kubinec said during a recent interview. “Our focus is on promoting both professional and personal resilience for all of our Airmen and their families, with a special emphasis on resilience in the digital age.”

The new app is just one step to build resilience in the digital age. Various digital learning resources and content geared for Reserve Citizen Airmen is hosted on the new DRL feature in the AF Connect App.

“Though I had my hand in creating the end product, all the hard work was done by the Digital Age Learning team,” Sutter said. “They are the ones who spent months implementing the program’s structure and compiling all of the information and material.”

To install the Air Force Connect app, simply visit your device’s app store and search for “Air Force Connect”, then follow these four easy steps to add AFRC to your favorites:

  1. Open the favorites tab in the lower right-hand corner
  2. Search for “Air Force Reserve Command”
  3. Click the add button
  4. Exit out of the favorites tab and swipe left from the USAF Connect home screen to navigate to the AFRC homepage
  5. Then click on the DRL button to explore the new digital age learning features

To stay up to date on the most current information and events in the command, click the notifications tab on the AFRC homepage, and enable push notifications in your device’s app settings.

AF Connect users can “favorite” up to 10 organizations, and utilize other functions such as the built-in physical fitness test calculator, phone directories, and access to Common Access Card-enabled sites like the Advanced Distance Learning System and the Defense Travel System using a mobile CAC reader.