In an effort to minimize the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 and to prioritize the health and safety of Department of the Air Force personnel, the following modifications have been made:
March 13, 2020
In an effort to minimize the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and to prioritize the health and safety of Department of the Air Force personnel, the following modifications have been made:
• The Air Force finalized their guidance for personnel movements based off of Secretary Esper’s guidance dated March 11. You can find more information here: https://www.afpc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2111282/dod-directs-stop-movement-in-response-to-covid-19/
• Department of the Air Force is suspending all outreach activities and support to community events through May 15. This includes, but is not limited to, on-base and civilian sponsored airshows, band performances and community engagements and meetings. This decision does not preclude our leaders from meeting or coordinating with local and community officials.
• The United States Air Force Academy made the decision to begin orderly dismissal of a large segment of their Cadet population. The goal of this action is to maximize the chances of graduating their senior class on time.
• The United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine Epidemiology Laboratory has begun receiving potential COVID-19 samples from military treatment facilities (MTFs) around the world. MTFs collect samples per CDC guidelines and send them to the Epi Reference Lab or local public health lab to conduct the CDC-approved test. Any presumptive positive test is then confirmed by the CDC per guidelines. The USAFSAM Epi Lab enters all information from the tested samples into the appropriate medical system for medical decision making, and the also sends daily updates to DHA for oversight.
For additional Air Force related information concerning coronavirus please reference the following website: https://www.af.mil/News/Coronavirus-Disease-2019/
March 12, 2020
An active-duty Airman assigned to Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is currently undergoing evaluation and treatment following a presumptive positive novel coronavirus test. The Airman recently traveled to Seattle. Additionally, a contractor at Moody Air Force base tested positive for the virus.
In an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and to prioritize the health and safety of Department of the Air Force personnel, the following modifications have been made:
• The March Air Reserve Base Airshow scheduled for March 28-29 has been cancelled.
• Air University’s Officer Training School has suspended guest presence at the awards ceremony and graduation parade; individual commissioning ceremonies will continue
• No spectators will be allowed at United States Air Force Academy home games; the academy is closed to visitors.
Download Air Force COVID-19 Information Handout
March 10, 2020
• At the United States Air Force Academy, official travel outside of the United States has been restricted for cadets, cadet candidates and permanent party. Personal/leisure travel to countries with a CDC Level 2 or higher rating is also prohibited. As of now, restrictions will remain in place through the end of March.
• Air Force Basic Military Training has suspended family members from attending graduation until further notice.
• Since South by Southwest events in Austin, Texas, was cancelled, the Air Force’s Spark Collider and Pitch Bowl will now take place virtually, March 12.
• The Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado Child Development Center has been closed for cleaning since a parent (family member) tested positive by the state for coronavirus.
• All Department of the Air Force personnel have been directed to follow Center for Disease Control levels for travel guidance.
Additionally, the following bases are currently housing passengers from the Grand Princess cruise ship: Travis Air Force Base, California Joint Base San Antonio, Texas and Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia.