News | Sept. 10, 2018

Gen. Maryanne Miller delivers her first letter to Mobility Airmen

By Gen. Maryanne Miller, Air Mobility Command commander

Fellow Air Mobility Professionals,


It is an absolute honor to lead the men and women of this command.  Each and every day, you work tirelessly to deliver the right effects in the right place at the right time.  I can't thank you enough for taking care of the mission and your selfless service to the nation!  A brief glance at the command over the last three years reveals you have set new boundaries and charted a path forward for Rapid Global Mobility.  Time and again, you demonstrate a readiness to tackle any challenge.  Air Mobility Command has a bright future, and I am humbled to lead a command that never rests and has a world-class reputation. 


As Air Mobility Professionals, you make us strong through your steadfast resolve, innovative nature, and desire to always deliver.  It is you who delivers the lethality of our Joint Force and Coalition brothers and sisters.  As Airmen, you don't just fly but you provide our nation timely options and versatility that is unique to our DNA.  This gives us the ability to tackle problems by going over them, not through.  I truly believe our people are our greatest strength and I am committed to keeping us strong by taking care of our force and our families. 


The key to all our mission success, is our dedicated force of airmen, civilians and contractors. Developing our Airmen and caring for their families is fundamental. Our profession of arms requires no less.  It is our Airmen that give our nation a superior military edge.  To keep this edge, we must take calculated risks.  Make productive mistakes.  Trust your instincts.  If it doesn't feel safe, it probably isn't.  While I need each of you to be ready to execute the mission when called to do so, your family needs you to come home safely.


Now, get ready for what's next!  The challenges our nation faces with the reemergence of peer competitors requires Airmen ingenuity and agility.  We must use our steadfast resolve, innovative nature, and insatiable desire to always deliver that have made us strong in the past in order to keep us strong in the future where operations in contested environments will be the norm, not the exception.  We are always ready… our adversaries can count on it!  Thank you for your selfless service and the sacrifices you and your family make every day.  I am honored to serve you, your family, and this great country.      


Lead on!

Gen. Maryanne Miller