Please be aware that as of midnight, August 12, 2018, the flat rate per-diem for long term TDY (+30 days) has changed.
Effective immediately normal per-diem rules, including the following, apply:
-- Lodging receipts are required for all lodging payments
-- The actual cost of lodging not to exceed the full locality lodging per-diem rate will be paid
-- The full meals and incidental expense (M&IE) will no longer be reduced by 75% or 55%
For more information, see the below resources.
Flat Rate Per-Diem Transition FAQs
Flat Rate Transition Computation Examples:
-- Flat-Rate Per Diem Transition Example 1
-- Flat-Rate Per Diem Transition Example 2
-- Flat-Rate Per Diem Transition Example 3
-- Flat-Rate Per Diem Transition Example 4
-- Flat-Rate Per Diem Transition Example 5
If you need additional information or would like to submit a question to the Travel Assistance Center, please go to Travel Explorer (Trax), in the DTMO Passport Portal here.