News | July 6, 2018

AY19/20 RDEDB Invitation to Apply

By Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs

AY19/20 RDEDB Invitation to Apply: AY19/20 Air Force Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board (RDEDB) will convene Oct 22, 2018, at the Air Reserve Personnel Center, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado

Both the Invitation to Apply and RDEDB Application can be accessed via the myPers scrolling banner or on the Force Development page. Additionally, the Invitation to Apply can be found on the ARPC public website, by clicking on Force Development on the Total Force Service Center banner, drop down on Force Development and scroll down to “Current Invitation to Apply."

To apply, log in to the myPers vPC Dashboard and the RDEDB application will be accessible under the "Action Requests" tab. Applications are due to ARPC no later than Sep 21, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. MT; however, applicants are urged to check with their units for local deadlines.

More information specific to the RDEDB process, to include application routing instruction, can be directly addressed by emailing: If you prefer to call, please contact the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102.


Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, Air Reserve Personnel Center