News | July 16, 2018

Air Force updates to AFI-36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force announced a series of uniform updates to Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, effective July 13, 2018.

“These changes stemmed from the 100th Air Force Uniform Board, which incorporated direct feedback from Airmen,” said Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso, Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel, and Services. “There are additional Uniform Board initiatives that are ongoing and still being analyzed for consideration and implementation by senior leaders.”

The notable changes are, but not limited to:

Grooming and Appearance Standards
- No minimum hair length for females, but up to a maximum bulk of three-and-half inches from scalp, allowing for proper wear of headgear.
- Females are also authorized locs, which must be lightly fused or interwoven to present a neat, professional appearance.

Dress Uniform
- All enlisted personnel may wear three-and-a-half inch or four-inch chevrons.
- All or some ribbons and devices may be worn on service dress uniform.
- All, some or no ribbons and devices may be worn on blue service uniform.

Outer Garments, Headgear, Rank Insignia and Accessories
- While off duty in civilian clothes males are authorized to wear earrings on or off installation.
- Females are authorized to wear round or square white diamond, gold, white pearl or silver earrings as a set with any uniform combination.
- Eyeglasses and sunglasses may have a small logo that can contrast with frame color or lenses. Conservative, clear, slightly tinted or photosensitive lenses are also authorized.
- Airmen may wear either a sling style backpack or two strap backpack.
- Handbags for all uniform combinations will be solid black leather or vinyl without ornamentation with black or white stitching.

Physical Training Gear
- Short- and long-sleeved solid white, black or light gray form fitting undershirts may be worn and visible under the short-sleeved shirt.
- A balaclava (black) may now be worn with PT gear while performing physical fitness activities outdoors.

For the complete list of changes, Airmen should go to: