Approximately 120 Reserve Citizen Airman from the 940th Air Refueling Wing attended the Annual “Star Awards” banquet here Feb. 10. This year’s theme centered around the latest Star Wars movie.
Each year the 940th ARW comes together to recognize outstanding performance and achievements of the Airmen in the wing.
“We are here for something bigger than ourselves. Take pride in that and in everything you do,” said 940th ARW commander Col. Stephanie Williams. “Each member of the unit has something important to bring to the table, each of you are an important member of the team. We are here tonight to recognize those who have gone above and beyond their call of duty to do something bigger than themselves.”
The winners of Airman of the Year for each category are:
Airman: Senior Airman Levi Ernst, Security Forces Squadron
Noncommissioned Officer: Staff Sgt. Kurt Jones, Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Jesse MacDonald, AMXS
First Sgt.: Master Sgt. Russel Wooten, Maintenance Group
Company Grade Officer: Capt. Christian Des Champs, Civil Engineer Squadron
Field Grade Officer: Lt. Col. Eric Val Balen, Security Forces
Civilian: Mr. Jody Flemming, Maintenance Squadron
Award winners were honored with personalized eagle trophies at the wing level. They will also be submitted for command level to compete for higher-level awards.
“This has been an outstanding evening,” said 940th ARW Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Carmen Madia. “These days we expect so much our Airmen and they always deliver. Tonight it was remarkable to be able to give something back.”
Commanders, Chiefs, First Sergeants, Supervisors, Jedis, Wookies, Siths, family and friends all came together for an evening of fun, awards, laughter and memories.