News | Nov. 22, 2017

“…They’re the reason I do anything…”

By 940th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs 940th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

“I was first assigned to Beale when I was active-duty. I was, and still am, an aircraft maintenance officer. I wanted to settle down and start a family, so I transferred to the Reserve. Now, I have been married for eight years and am a father of two. My wife loves Thanksgiving. We moved to a bigger home two years ago with the goal being to host all of the family. Our tradition is to get as many friends and family over to the house, eat lots of food, get our sweatpants on and get comfortable. This year, we got a 28.18 pound turkey that barely fits in our oven. Along with turkey, we always have stuffing, canned cranberry sauce with the ridges from the can, candied yams and sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. I don’t care for them, but my wife has to have them. I am absolutely grateful for my family; my wife, kids, family, extended family… They’re the reason I do anything.”


Maj. Christopher Cheshire, 940th Maintenance Group quality assurance officer in charge

Hometown: Milwaukie, Oregon

(Each month, we share a story of a reservist through a photo, simple quote or article. The goal of this project, similar to the 9th Public Affairs' Faces of Beale, is to learn more about Citizen Airmen. Whether traditional or full-time, every reservist has a unique story and adds to what makes us part of the world's greatest Air Force.)