News | Nov. 1, 2017

Reserve Recruiters reach goal for 17th year

By Master Sgt. Chance Babin Air Force Reserve Command Recruiting Service

Air Force Reserve Command Recruiting Service has met the command’s accession goal for the 17th consecutive year.

For the past fiscal year, Reserve recruiters not only reached their goal but surpassed it, ending the year with 8,241 accessions equating to 101.7 percent of the goal.

“I want to give a thank you to our recruiters and support personnel. Thank you for doing your job,” said Col. Harold Linnean, AFRC RS commander. “Although it was not easy, we achieved success because each of you put in the work. You stayed focused and continued a tireless charge forward. You did this because you had a calling to change people’s lives. And those lives that we changed are the next in line to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Some of the challenges Recruiting Service faced while attaining their goal of 8,100 was a reduction in people coming off active duty, an improved economy and competition against other reserve components.

"Our guys did an awesome job. Seventeen years straight is an amazing feat, especially considering all the obstacles we overcame," said Chief Master Sgt. Thomas Zwelling, AFRC RS manager. "I am so proud of all of our recruiters and to be part of the best recruiting force on the planet. What we do here in recruiting is a lot of things, readiness, mission and meeting end strength, but the best thing we do is change people's lives."