One of my favorite things in life is soccer. I grew up a military brat, with both parents in the Air Force. We were stationed overseas until I was 8 years old. While we were in England, my dad taught me how to play soccer and I have been playing ever since. After we moved back to the states, I joined my first team. I met my best friend on that team and a lot of my other close friends over the years through soccer. Along with friendships, soccer has provided me with a lot of different opportunities. I’ve played on different teams levels, from youth soccer league to an indoor semi-pro team, and I’ve also coached kids’ teams and a junior varsity team. I love the competitiveness and the people I’ve met through the sport. But to me, it is more than a sport; it’s a family.
Master Sgt. Lindy M. Campbell, 314th Air Refueling Squadron boom operator
Hometown: Sacramento, California
(Each month, we will share a story of a reservist through a photo, simple quote or article. The goal of this project, similar to the 9th Public Affairs' Faces of Beale, is to learn more about Citizen Airmen. Whether traditional or full-time, every reservist has a unique story and adds to what makes us part of the world's greatest Air Force.)