News | Jan. 12, 2017

AF changes policy on limiting ADOS orders of pregnant reservists

Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization

The Air Force has changed its policy of automatically limiting or curtailing the orders of pregnant members of the Air Force Reserve serving on Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) orders at 34 weeks of pregnancy.

Airmen who are pregnant or give birth while serving a continuous period of at least 12-months are eligible for up to 12 weeks of non-chargeable maternity leave during that order. Orders may not be extended to cover maternity leave and an interruption of ADOS orders to accomplish AT/IDTs constitutes a break in orders.

Reservists not on 12-month continuous orders are permitted to continue serving on their current order as long as there is a valid requirement and the member’s AF468, Duty Limiting Condition Report, does not prohibit them from performing the duty required under the ADOS orders. Orders may not be extended solely for the purpose of pregnancy. However, the member may request to have ADOS tours extended beyond the 12-month pregnancy threshold if there is a valid requirement.

For the full policy, including duty limitations, access to care, and medical continuity for reserve component pregnant members, review it in the Memo section of the HQ RIO Resources web page at

Questions or concerns should be directed to the member’s servicing HQ RIO Detachment. Contact information can be found online at, under HQ RIO Directory or Detachments.