News | Oct. 28, 2016

Motivated by movies

By Senior Airman Tara R. Abrahams 940th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

Senior Airman Victoria Leznik enlisted in the Air Force Reserve about two years ago, after thinking it wasn’t a possibility for her.


“I never thought I was capable of joining the military because I wasn’t a citizen,” Leznik said.


Leznik was born in Russia then moved to a refugee camp in Germany with her family when she was a toddler. Fourteen years later, she moved again, this time, to the United States.


“I hated it,” Leznik said. “I was so sad leaving all of my friends behind.”


Growing up, Leznik remembers watching American movies and becoming fascinated by the military. The patriotism and people having something to live for other than their families inspired her.


“It just shows a lot of respect, a lot of courage and a lot of pride,” Leznik said.


Now, Leznik is a 940th Force Support Squadron services journeyman, working in lodging.  Although this wasn’t her initial job choice, she enjoys what she does.


“You meet a lot of people from all walks of life,” Leznik said. “It can be very rewarding.”


She reflects back now at her initial resentment to move to America as a change for the good.


“It was the best decision of my life,” Leznik said.


Ultimately, Leznik’s goal is to commission and become a nutritionist. She is currently working on her associate’s degree in nutrition, but that is only the beginning of her educational goal.


“I really want to get my masters degree in nutrition,” Leznik said. “I want to teach and do research.”


American movies may have inspired her to want to serve her country, but it’s the people and camaraderie she serves with that continue to motivate her.


“I love how we’re all a family,” Leznik said. “Someone is always going to have your back.”



(Each month, we will share a story of a reservist through a photo, simple quote or article. The goal of this project, similar to 9th Public Affairs' Faces of Beale, is to learn more about Citizen Airmen. Whether traditional or full-time, every reservist has a unique story and adds to what makes us part of the world's greatest Air Force.)