News | April 1, 2016

Balancing Act

By 1st Lt. Siobhan Hazelwood 940th Wing Public Affairs

When she first joined the Reserve, she doubted that her military and civilian jobs would have anything to do with each other. The more leadership roles she picked up as an occupational therapist, the more she realized her background as an Airman translated to her success in managing people.
Maj. Amy Hansen works full-time as the Vice President of Pediatric Services for Easter Seals Superior California and serves as Inspector General at the 940th Wing.

"I've learned a lot of leadership and progressive discipline skills in the military that directly translated into the success I have in my full-time job," said Hansen. "I also feel like sometimes the military might benefit from some of the newer styles of leadership and management in the private sector. Being able to make a positive change even if it's within our small wing is great."

As an occupational therapist, Hansen helps people with various disabilities live a more fulfilling life by teaching them how to do things that will help them be more self-sufficient.

"I frequently work with children and their families on fine motor and self-help skills, such as helping a child who has autism learn how to eat with a spoon more independently."

Hansen's desire to help others doesn't stop there.

In her position as inspector general she oversees the prevention of government fraud, waste and abuse, serves as the eyes and ears for the wing commander, and acts as a resource for those unable to resolve concerns through their chain of command.

"Members can turn to me and I will do my best to help them solve their problem."

Not only does she maintain multiple jobs, but as a wife, mother of two young daughters and multi-pet owner, Hansen recognizes the importance of prioritization.

"Having all these different roles is the ultimate challenge because they all require time," said Hansen. "You can't be good at all of it, but you certainly learn to balance and prioritize as best you can."

That balancing act helps complement all aspects of her life, especially being a Citizen Airman.

"As a reservist, most days of the week I am just your average citizen, so when I come in to do my military duty, I not only have my training and background to rely on, but I bring this outside perspective," said Hansen.  "I think that's been very valuable to provide a sense of balance to what we do."