Lt. Gen Richard Scobee, Chief of Air Force Reserve, approved changes to the Active Guard Reserve program earlier this year which are expected to be implemented September 1.
One significant change to the program was the elimination of an AGR Review Board, or ARB, which was held twice a year. The board was co-chaired by the Deputy to the Chief of Air Force Reserve and the Deputy Commander of the Air Force Reserve Command, with the purpose of determining career status for probationary AGR members.
With the approved changes, career program decisions for lieutenant colonels and below will now be delegated to wing commanders, or equivalent. This allows for more flexibility for a wing commander to make decisions at different stages in the AGR’s career to meet manning and mission requirements. Career program entry is automatic for members who are selected for a follow-on assignment that takes the member beyond six years of AGR time.
“To facilitate these new policy changes, the Future Operations and Integration Directorate at the Air Reserve Personnel Center is working diligently to update the online application worksheet which will replace ARBs held twice a year,” said Lt. Col. Karla Taff, assignments branch chief. “Members who are reaching their date of separation will be notified of the requirement to complete the online worksheet. The worksheet will be called the AGR Continuation Decision, or ACD worksheet and will document their desire to remain in the AGR program.”
Eligible members will receive the ACD worksheet in their vPC Worklist, the same place members go to submit an evaluation or complete their developmental plan. Members must choose one of three options – career status, extension, or release on date of separation.
Completed worksheets are routed though vPC to unit and group commanders, or their equivalents, for their input. Commander’s comments may include training, work experience, performance reports, physical fitness standing, awards and decorations, and developmental education. Once completed, worksheets will be routed to the wing commander for final approval.
In addition, each individual’s service history is reviewed to determine the individual’s ability to attain 20 years active Federal service or service to a mandatory separation date or high year tenure. Continuation is dependent on continued performance, career progression, needs of the AF Reserve and career field requirements.
AGR members may appeal a wing commander’s decision by forwarding his or her request with supporting documentation to HQ ARPC for staffing to the member’s numbered Air Force commander.
The ACD worksheet is currently in the testing phase at HQ ARPC with implementation coming soon. AGR members who are not career status and have a date of separation before December 2020 will be the first to complete the ACD worksheet. Members who do not complete their ACD worksheet will separate from their AGR status on their date of separation. However, AGR members may apply for additional AGR positions, regardless of the outcome of an ACD.
More details will follow once the application worksheet testing is complete. Furthermore, operational guidance and instructions will be provided to commanders and Force Support Squadron staff members at a later date.