News | Aug. 1, 2018

TFSC Call Center Agents Move to 24-Hour Operations

By Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs

Effective Aug. 1, 2018, the Air Reserve Personnel Center’s call center will centralize at the Air Force Personnel Center call center at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas. With this centralization, ARPC’s more than 1.3 million customers will now have access to Total Force Service Center (TFSC) call agents 24/7, 361 days a year by calling 1-800-525-0102.

Centralization of the call center is expected to reduce call wait times and allow ARPC technicians to focus on executing personnel programs including evaluations and retirements. The Center’s mission is to provide exceptional personnel services for the customer.

This centralization not only offers Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard and retired Airmen of all components extended hours of access, but also shorter wait times, quicker responses and a better customer service experience.